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Orion Magazine - Thirty Year Plan

Hailing from Great Barrington, Massachusetts, Orion is a bimonthly, advertising-free magazine devoted to creating a stronger bond between people and nature. Founded in 1982, Orion occupies a distinct niche within the world of magazines, staking out the territory of ecology, the arts, action, and social justice.

In a culture saturated by cynicism, superficiality, and single-issue thinking, Orion is a forum for anyone who is serious about the possibility of a peaceful, sustainable world. We talk about the magazine this morning as they celebrate their 30th anniversary.

In celebration of the anniversary, Orion is publishing a small series of books called Orion Readers. The first book, Thirty Year Plan, is a collection of thirty original essays from important voices like Carl Safina, Elizabeth Kolbert, Terry Tempest Williams, and other luminaries who are actively thinking and acting on sketching out an agenda of forward and thoughtful movement regarding the landscape of change pertaining to environmental issues.

To tell us more about the magazine, the book, and the mission – we are joined by Orion Editor Jennifer Sahn and best-selling writer and Orion magazine contributor, Terry Tempest Williams.

Joe talks to people on the radio for a living. In addition to countless impressive human "gets" - he has talked to a lot of Muppets. Joe grew up in Philadelphia, has been on the area airwaves for more than 25 years and currently lives in Washington County, NY with his wife, Kelly, and their dog, Brady. And yes, he reads every single book.