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51% Show #1200

MPR Photo/Jeffrey Thompson
MPR Photo
Valencia and her mother, Charlene


FM: National Productions
DT: Friday July 13, 2012
RE: 51% Show #1200

Here is this week's information on 51% #1200.

BILLBOARD – Susan Barnett (Music Out)


Violence takes many forms. There’s physical violence, the kind that leaves bruises, the kind that can kill. And there’s emotional violence – the kind that leaves bruises that aren’t so easily seen, the kind that leads to substance abuse, emotional issues and, sometimes, suicide.

According to the United Nations, the killings of women, whether in the family, the community, or perpetrated by the state, are reaching alarming proportions around the world.  That’s the conclusion of Rashida Manjoo, the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women. Gerry Adams reports.

1:44  Violence vs. Women  UNRadio

That report comes to us courtesy UN Radio.

But here’s the question – where do we find the roots of violence?  We can’t afford to be smug, to assume that this isn’t an American problem.

More than a quarter of American children experience parents physically fighting each other at some time in their lives. Early researchers into family violence often considered children to be "invisible victims," but that view is changing. In this report for MPR's Youth Series, Valencia McMurray revisits an incident that happened in her family when she was six... and has colored their lives for fourteen years.

7:13 FamilyViolence  PRX

That report from Valencia MacMurray comes to us from MPR’s Youth Series.

The recent Supreme Court decision upholding part of Arizona’s controversial anti-immigration law is also seen by some as an attack on women and children – a form of bullying. In June, the Supreme Court unanimously upheld the section of Arizona’s immigration law which requires state law enforcement officials to determine the immigration status of anyone they stop or arrest if there is reason to suspect that he or she might be an illegal immigrant. We Belong Together, a coalition of  the National Domestic Workers Alliance and the National Asian Pacific Americna Womens Forum, recently held a press conference, in which Ellen Bravo of Family Values at Work explained why stricter immigration laws are a women’s issue.

1:32  Ellen Bravo Immigration

That’s Ellen Bravo of Family Values at Work, discussing the perceived impact of June’s Supreme Court unanimous decision upholding part of Arizona’s controversial immigration law.

Coming up, the impact of a video that shocked us all…from the Internet to the Capitol.  If you missed part of this show or want to hear it again, visit the 51% archives at wamc.org.  This week’s show is # 1200.


Upstate New York grandmother Karen Klein became the face of bullying’s victims after a video taken on the school bus she monitored was posted on YouTube.  It showed four boys viciously taunting her, cursing at her and reducing her to tears…most of it can’t be played on the air because of the language.

:12 bus bullies

The boys’ families have received death threats. At least one of the fathers has apologized to Klein in person. A Toronto man who said he, too, was bullied as a child, started an online fundraiser to pay for a vacation for Klein – he’s raised almost seven hundred thousand dollars so far. In addition, another fund set up to thank him for starting the fund has raised an addition 65 hundred dollars – money he says he’ll donate to anti-bullying organizations or will use to establish one himself.

Congressman Mike Honda of California, who said he was bullied because he is Japanese American and whose family was moved to an internment camp during World War II, has announced a Congressional Anti-Bullying Caucus. Its goal, he says, is to work with stakeholders to end bullying once and for all.

But nothing is more effective at making us aware of bullying than firsthand experience.

Cristel Martinez came to America from the Dominican Republic with a dream to become a music producer. But the only music the eighteen year old senior hears in school is the sound of anger. This is her bullying soundtrack.

2:30  Cristel Martinez Censored  PRX

And finally, Gilles Malkine profiles a woman who reminds us of the better angels of our nature.

5:14 Irena Sendler  Malkine

Gilles Malkine is a writer and musician.  He lives in New York’s Catskill Mountains.


That’s our show for this week.  Thanks to Katie Britton for production assistance.  Our theme music is by Kevin Bartlett. This show is a national production of Northeast Public Radio.  Our executive producer is Dr. Alan Chartock.

If you’d like to hear this show again, or visit the 51% archives, go to our website at WAMC.org.  You can also find a regular column related to 51% at feminist.com. Thanks so much for joining us…we’ll be back next week with another edition of  51% The Women's Perspective.

(:36 pads out to 25:00)

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