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51% Show #1204

FM: National Productions
DT: Friday August 10, 2012
RE: 51% Show #1204
STATIONS: If you have comments or suggestions, please contact Susan Barnett at SBARNETT@WAMC.ORG

51% wants you!

Got a great story featuring remarkable people?  Is there a women’s angle? Pitch it and get national airplay!

Email producer/host Susan Barnett at sbarnett@wamc.org. with your pitch. If we like it, we'll ask you to send the story for review. Wanted: interesting and enlightening women's issues stories, broad social issues from a women's perspective, personal essays, commentaries and profiles of inspirational women.
We encourage stations to air the entire show in full, but you can also excerpt portions, with appropriate credit given upon notification of WAMC.
Here is this week's information on 51% #1204.
BILLBOARD – Susan Barnett (Music Out)


Western women have certain perceptions of life as a Muslim woman. But filmmakers Laura Nix and Julia Meltzer have completed a project that turns our ideas on their ear.  It’s called The Light in Her Eyes – it’s a documentary profiling one Syrian woman who founded a Qu’ran school for women thirty years ago. She’s encouraging a shift – one that empowers women while allowing them to remain true to their Muslim faith. It’s a story made more poignant because of the current turmoil in Syria… turmoil that has forced Houda al-Habash to leave Damascus. Laura Nix spoke with us as PBS prepared to feature The Light in Her Eyes on the show POV.

9:25  Laura Nix  Barnett

Laura Nix is co-writer and producer of the film The Light in Her Eyes, a profile of the founder of a Syrian Qu’ran school for women, Houda al-Habash.

The Light in Her Eyes is available streaming online until August 19 at pbs.org or visit the movie website at thelightinhereyesmovie.com.

Up next, backing sideways into organic farming…and Gilles Malkine visits perhaps one of our best known diarists.  If you missed part of this show or want to hear it again, visit the 51% archives at wamc.org.  This week’s show is #1204.


Kris Gosney and her husband were like most of their neighbors in northwestern Oklahoma: conventional farmers relying heavily on chemicals to produce their crops. But fifteen years ago, in an effort to weather a difficult economic moment in agriculture, they stumbled into organic farming. This discovery blossomed into a lifelong commitment to healthy soil, healthy crops, healthy livestock, and healthy people. The following is brought to you by This Land Press, Oklahoma's first new media company. For more information visit thislandpress.com.

4:17  Clean Dirt  PRX

That story comes courtesy of This Land Press. Visit Thislandpress.com for details.

We all know the name Anne Frank. Many of us read her diaries, touching memoirs of a young girl’s life during war time. This week Gilles Malkine reminds us why her voice is still so clear.

5:31  Anne Frank  Malkine

Gilles Malkine is a writer and musician.  He lives in New York’s Catskill Mountains.


That’s our show for this week. Thanks to Katie Britton for production assistance.  Our theme music is by Kevin Bartlett. This show is a national production of Northeast Public Radio.  Our executive producer is Dr. Alan Chartock.

If you’d like to hear this show again, or visit the 51% archives, go to our website at WAMC.org.  You can also find a regular column related to 51% at feminist.com. Thanks so much for joining us…we’ll be back next week with another edition of  51% The Women's Perspective.

(:36 pads out to 25:00)

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