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51% Show #1207

51% Episode 1207
Aug 30, 2012

One global sore spot that continues to be raw is the question of conflicting land claims by Israel and Palestinians. Its roots go deep, and the political maneuvering on both sides hasn’t helped the movement toward a solution. Yet despite the political distances, studies indicate that the majority of people in Israel and the majority of Palestinians agree on the answer. We’ve featured reports on Israeli citizens who smuggle Palestinian families across blockades for a day at the beach – and Palestinians who host Israeli citizens in secret outreach meetings – social networking under the radar. There’s a group called One Voice that is working to make that majority heard. Rachel Steinberg is International Engagement Program Director at OneVoice, and we recently talked about what One Voice does, and the impact of the American presidential race on the ongoing debate.

10:19  Rachel Steinberg One Voice

Rachel Steinberg is International Engagement Program Director at One Voice…find out more at onevoicemovement.org.

Up next, the movement toward human rights in Myanmar, and shining shopping malls as symbols of the other Iraq.  If you missed part of this show or want to hear it again, visit the 51% archives at wamc.org.  This week’s show is #1207.


Authorities in Myanmar have taken positive steps to improve human rights but the country still faces serious challenges, according to a UN independent expert.

Tomás Ojea Quintana, Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Myanmar, says although some prisoners of conscience have been freed, he is concerned about the welfare of those still behind bars.

Mr. Ojea Quintana was in Myanmar from 30 July to 04 August.

He tells Dianne Penn that the past few years have marked an interesting period in the country's history, starting with the 2010 general elections.

4:51  Myanmar  UN Radio

That is Tomas Quintana, the UN’s Special Rapportuer on Human Rights in Myanmar, speaking to Dianne Penn of UN Radio.

In Iraqi Kurdistan, a common adage says the Kurdish people have “no friends but the mountains.” Today, the mountains along the northern border of Iraq are sometimes the site of less than friendly fire from Turkish and Iranian forces, while cities south of these giants are the center of economic growth. War News Radio’s Amy DiPierro explores how “Development & Displacement” in Iraqi Kurdistan are reshaping this common wisdom.

4:57 The Other Iraq  PRX

That report came to us from War News Radio.


That’s our show for this week.  Thanks to Katie Britton for production assistance.  Our theme music is by Kevin Bartlett. This show is a national production of Northeast Public Radio.  Our executive producer is Dr. Alan Chartock.

If you’d like to hear this show again, or visit the 51% archives, go to our website at WAMC.org.  You can also find a regular column related to 51% at feminist.com.

Thanks so much for joining us…we’ll be back next week with another edition of  51% The Women's Perspective.

MUSIC in show #1208:

Kevin Bartlett - Glow in the Dark

Crash Test Dummies - MmMmMmMm

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