Coming up this week, education equality – it's a long ways off... plus teaching children to think by teaching them language.
Part of the United Nations' Millenium Development Goals called for the elimination of gender inequality in all levels of education by 2015. That's not a goal that's going to be met. But representatives of Education International were in NY in late March to encourage the UN to continue to keep pushing.

Susan Hopgoodis both President of Education International (EI) and the Federal Secretary of the Australian Education Union (AEU). HaldisHolst is Deputy General Secretary of Education International. They were in New York last month to address the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Hopgood leads off.
Coming up, where American education is falling behind.
Oregon students will soon face tougher-than-ever standardized tests, on their way to a lofty goal: that every student will complete high school, starting with the Class of 2025. The new tests ask students to think critically and write out explanations. Those skills require a foundation for young students, beginning with language.
Rob Manning looks at the connections between language and long-term academic success for all students.
Rob Manning's "Class of 2025" reports are part of American Graduate -- Let's Make It Happen! -- a public broadcasting initiative to address the drop out crisis, supported by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
So far, we've talked about education equity as a worldwide goal – and a program to help American children do better in school. But once those children are in the workforce, the gender inequity issue doesn't go away. Gender Justice is a nonprofit organization that eliminates gender barriers through education programs, public policy advocacy and litigation. KFAI producer Dixie Treichel has more.
That’s our show for this week. Thanks to Katie Britton for production assistance. Our theme music is Glow in the Dark by Kevin Bartlett. This show is a national production of Northeast Public Radio. Our executive producer is Dr. Alan Chartock.