On this week’s 51%, female film directors. There weren’t any nominated for this year’s Oscars, so we’ll turn elsewhere to hear from the women’s director chair. And one director talks about group Film Fatales.
Not one woman was nominated in the best director category for the 87th Academy Awards. Also, there were no women nominated in other categories such as Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay or Best Writing, original screenplay. So we’re going to fill in the gaps by turning to a film festival from the fall whose motto is “fiercely independent.” The 15th anniversary Woodstock Film Festival in New York showcased eight narrative feature films directed by women, its most ever. MeiraBlaustein, who is co-founder and executive director of the Festival says the films were chosen on the basis of merit, not gender.
And we have to wrap up our show for this week. And that’s our show for this week. Thanks to Katie Britton for production assistance. Our executive producer is Dr. Alan Chartock. Our theme music is Glow in the Dark by Kevin Bartlett. This show is a national production of Northeast Public Radio. If you’d like to hear this show again, sign up for our podcast, or visit the 51% archives on our web site at wamc.org. This week’s show is #1336. (:27)
(Music pads out :26 to 25:00)