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51% Show #1353

On this week’s 51%, a sports psychologist talks about female athletes; a star basketball player gets to have a baby and her game. Plus, a writer returns to her roots.

Sisterhood in Sports:  How Female Athletes Collaborate and Compete is a book by clinical and sports psychologist Dr. Joan Steidinger, herself a highly accomplished athlete. It illuminates how the female brain works differently from that of men; how women achieve at the same high level as men, but relate to others within their sport in their own way.  

Her book covers a gamut of sports with various athletes including former Olympians, professional athletes, and school athletes. Dr. Steidinger, who resides in California, is a certified consultant through the Association of Applied Sports Psychology and is on the United States Olympic Committee’s Sport Psychology Registry. In the 1990s, she was a competitive ultra runner. 

That was sports psychologist Dr. Joan Steidinger talking about her book  Sisterhood in Sports:  How Female Athletes Collaborate and Compete.  

Kaneisha Atwater got pregnant at 18, but her dreams did not fade when her son was born. Today, she plays basketball for Florida Gulf Coast University on an athletics scholarship that allows her to go to college so she can give her son the childhood she never had. Brian Burnsed  reports for NCAA Champion magazine in Fort Myers, Florida. 

Best known for her books about the joys of life in Italy, Frances Mayes has published a new memoir. But this time, she takes her readers back to her roots in the tiny town of Fitzgerald, Georgia. Lilia Fuquen has the story. 

And that’s our show for this week. Thanks to Katie Britton for production assistance. Our executive producer is Dr. Alan Chartock. Our theme music is Glow in the Dark by Kevin Bartlett. This show is a national production of Northeast Public Radio. 

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