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The Academic Minute for 9.29 - 10.3

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Monday, September 29
William Alex Pridemore - Georgia State University   
Incarceration and Early Death
Dr. William Alex Pridemore is a Distinguished University Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies and a member of the GSU Second Century Initiative’s cluster on Evidence-Based Policy. He received his PhD in 2000 from SUNY-Albany and spent a year as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard. In 2008, Dr. Pridemore received the Junior Scholar Award from the American Sociological Association’s Section on Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco; in 2009 he received Indiana University’s Trustees Teaching Award; and in 2012 he received the Radzinowicz Memorial Prize for his research on poverty, inequality, and national homicide rates. He is the American Society of Criminology’s liaison to the American Association for the Advancement of Science and was the Founding Director of Indiana University’s Workshop in Methods.
Tuesday, September 30
Patrick Forber - Tufts University   
The Evolution of Spite
Dr. Patrick Forber spends most his research time thinking and writing about biology and philosophy. He has an interest in understanding confirmation, explanation, and idealization in science, especially in evolutionary biology and ecology. His dissertation, “The Traces of Change: Evidence in Evolutionary Biology”, attempts to sketch a “big picture” of how testing and evidential reasoning work in these disciplines. Fascinated by the biological world, he spends his free time wandering the mountains, deserts, and oceans from here to Australia.

Wednesday, October 1
Kirsten Matthews - Rice University
Biomedical Patents
Dr. Kirsten Matthews‘ research focuses on ethical and policy issues related to biomedical research and development. Specifically, Dr. Matthews is looking at intellectual property rights for biotechnology, including genetics and stem cell related patents, the development of scientific research collaborations and ethical issues related to emerging biomedical technologies. Along with Baker Institute fellow Steve Lewis and Baker Institute Rice scholar Elaine Howard Ecklund, she is a co-principal investigator on a project that surveys and interviews scientists around the world to compare how they view science, religion and ethics.  

Thursday, October 2
Robin Soster - University of Arkansas
The Bottom Dollar Effect
has three degrees from The University of South Carolina (BS, Management Science & Economics, 1997; MBA, Marketing, 2000; PhD, Marketing, 2011), and has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marketing at the University of Arkansas since 2011. Professor Soster’s research focuses primarily on consumer judgment and decision making. Her second area of interest is the intersection of identity and consumption. Her work has been published in the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. Both of these research streams offer important implications for consumer well-being, which has led to collaborations on policy-oriented projects as well as invited talks in this area.  
Friday, October 3
Lisa Huisman Koops - Case Western Reserve University          
Mobile Music Making
Dr. Lisa Huisman Koops, associate professor of music education at Case Western Reserve University, specializes in early childhood music, general music, and world music education. She researches the interplay of enjoyment and agency in musical play. Koops has presented research in the fields of music education, ethnomusicology, and liturgical music; publications include articles in Journal of Research in Music Education, Research Studies in Music Education, and Early Childhood Education Journal. Koops taught general music in Zeeland (Michigan) Public Schools as well as early childhood music at MSU’s Community Music School; she currently teaches early childhood music classes at The Music Settlement in Cleveland.

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