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The Academic Minute for 10.13-10.17

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Monday, October 13
Diane Beauchemin - Queen's University   
Hair Sample Forensic Advances
Dr. Diane Beauchemin studied at l’Université de Montréal where she obtained a B.Sc. in 1980, followed by a Ph.D. in 1984 under the supervision of Joseph Hubert. She then became a Research Associate in the (then) Chemistry Division of the National Research Council of Canada where she worked until she joined the Department of Chemistry at Queen’s University in 1988 as an Assistant Professor. She was promoted to Associate Professor in 1993 and to Full Professor in 2001.

Tuesday, October 14
Michele Coscia - Harvard University    
The Importance of Memetics
Dr. Michele Coscia is a post-doctoral fellow at the Center for International Development, Harvard University in Cambridge. He mainly works on mining complex networks, and on applying the extracted knowledge to international development and governance. Dr. Coscia’s background is in Digital Humanities, i.e. the connection between the unstructured knowledge and the cold organized computer science. He earned a PhD in Computer Science in June 2012 at the University of Pisa. In his career, he has also worked at the Center for Complex Network Research at Northeastern University, with Albert-Laszlo Barabasi.

Wednesday, October 15
Valorie Titus - American Public University
Eastern Tiger Salamander
Dr. Valorie Titus currently teaches wildlife, conservation, and ecology courses in the Environmental Science program within the American Public University School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. She completed her dissertation work on the eastern tiger salamander at Binghamton University and her Master’s work on copperheads at Murray State University. She has also worked for the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) as a Curatorial Science Fellow in Herpetology at the Bronx Zoo, where she did research on captive wildlife behavior, and fieldwork on the effects of urbanization on reptiles and amphibians. Following this fellowship, she also worked for WCS as a research associate studying the ecological recovery of bison.  

Thursday, October 16
Paul Smethurst - University of Hong Kong
A Cultural History of the Bicycle
Dr. Paul Smethurst is associate professor in the School of English at the University of Hong Kong, where he teaches travel writing, geocriticism and the contemporary novel. His publications include The Postmodern Chronotope (2000), Travel Writing and the Natural World (2013) and The Bicycle in History (forthcoming 2014). He is currently editing a new collection of essays on travel writing (New Directions in Travel Writing Studies, forthcoming 2015). In a previous career he developed digital mapping and geographical information systems. His book, ‘The Bicycle: Towards a Global History’, will be published by Palgrave Macmillan in Spring 2015
Friday, October 17
Neal Hall - The University of Texas at Austin          
Fly Inspired Hearing
Dr. Neal A. Hall received a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin in 1999, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, in 2002 and 2004, respectively. From 2004 to 2006, he was an Intelligence Community Post-Doctoral Fellow with Sandia National Laboratories, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UT Austin where he performs research in the areas of silicon micromachined acoustic transducers. He was a recipient of the DARPA Young Faculty Award in 2012 and the ONR Young Investigator Award in 2014.

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