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The Academic Minute for 2015.3.2 - 3.6

Catch up with The Academic Minute from 3.2 - 3.6

Monday, March 2
Ritch Savin-Williams - Cornell University  
Human Sexuality Spectrum
Ritch C. Savin-Williams is a developmental psychology professor of Human Development and Director of the Sex & Gender Lab at Cornell University. He received the Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, where he studied sex differences in dominance hierarchy formation at summer camp.
r. Savin-Williams has written seven books on adolescent development. The latest, The New Gay Teenager (Harvard University Press, 2005) follows previous books on the lives of youth with same-sex attractions: “Mom, Dad. I’m Gay.” How Families Negotiate Coming Out” (American Psychological Association, 2001), “. . . And Then I Became Gay.” Young Men’s Stories (Routledge, 1998), and Gay and Lesbian Youth: Expressions of Identity (Hemisphere, 1990). With Kenneth M. Cohen, Dr. Savin-Williams co-edited an undergraduate textbook on sexual minorities: The Lives of Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals: Children to Adults (Harcourt Brace, 1996).

Tuesday, March 3
Davide Zori - Baylor University         
Viking Social Standing
Davide Zori is assistant professor in the Baylor Interdisciplinary Core at Baylor University. His research concentrates on the Viking expansion into the North Atlantic. He conducts fieldwork in Iceland addressing the interaction of the Norse settlers with new environments, the construction of a migrant society, and the subsequent evolution of endemic political systems. He employs a multidisciplinary approach combining material culture and written evidence and is the author of Viking Archeology in Iceland: Mosfell Archaeological Project.
Wednesday, March 4
Maurice Gattis - University of Wisconsin-Madison    
Marriage Equality & Religious Denomination
Maurice Gattis has engaged in research activities regarding health disparities, GLBT populations, homelessness, and adolescent risk behaviors in the United States and Canada.  His primary work focuses on the role of contextual factors (e.g. family, peers, school, stigma, and discrimination) on negative psychosocial outcomes (e.g. mental health, substance use, sexual risk taking).
Dr. Gattis’s recent study “Psychosocial Problems of Homeless Sexual Minority Youths and their Heterosexual Counterparts,” was funded by Canada-U.S. Fulbright.  The study involved primary data collection and used ecological systems theory and compared sexual minority youths to their heterosexual counterparts regarding mental health, substance use and sexual behaviors.  Dr. Gattis is currently working on a study regarding homeless LGBT African-American youths in Milwaukee and a study regarding transgender individual’s school experiences in Wisconsin, which is funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health.

Thursday, March 5
Lynn Helding - Dickinson College
Vocology: A Science of the Voice
Lynn Helding is an associate professor of music (Voice) at Dickinson College, who finds inspiration in the nexus between art and science. As a singing artist, she has performed around the world from Australia to Iceland, in genres ranging from opera to cabaret. Equally at home in the emerging field of voice science, she earned the certificate in vocology from the National Center for Voice and Speech, and was awarded the Van Lawrence Fellowship from the National Voice Foundation and the National Association of Teachers of Singing to study neurological voice disorders and rehabilitative therapies. She is an author and associate editor of the Journal of Singing, where her regular column, “Mindful Voice” illuminates current research in the cognitive, neuro- and social sciences as they relate to music teaching, learning and performance.  

Friday, March 6
Jeremy England - MIT           
Life's Physical Origins
Jeremy England was born in Boston and grew up mostly in New Hampshire. After graduating with a degree summa cum laude in Biochemical Sciences from Harvard in 2003, he was a Rhodes Scholar at St Johns College, Oxford for two years before continuing on to complete his doctorate in physics at Stanford in 2009. In 2011, he joined the faculty of MIT’s Physics Department, where he now leads a research team in the Physics of Living Systems group, housed in Tech Square. He lives with his wife and son in Cambridge, Mass.

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