Catch up with The Academic Minute from 3.23 - 3.27
Monday, March 23
Nicola Mitchell - University of Western Australia
Assisted Colonization
Dr Nicola Mitchell is an associate professor of zoology at the University of Western Australia where she runs lab focused on anticipating the impacts of environmental change on threatened species. Current lab members work on freshwater turtles, sea turtles and frogs, employing skills in physiological ecology, genetics and environmental modelling to investigate the capacity of species to adapt to climate change. Pre-emptive conservation strategies such as assisted migration are a major research interest. Nicola holds a Ph.D. from the University of Adelaide.
Tuesday, March 24
Cathy Hatcher - Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The Heart's Glue
Cathy Hatcher, PhD, co-directs the Cardiovascular-Renal-Pulmonary course for first year medical students at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Her areas of research include cardiovascular development and musculo-skeletal development. Prior to joining PCOM, Dr. Hatcher was an assistant research professor at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York. She earned a BS in Biology from the University of Georgia and a PhD in Physiology from the Medical College of Georgia, and completed her postdoctoral fellowship in Cardiac Biology at Weill Cornell. Dr. Hatcher is a member of the American Heart Association and the American Physiological Society.
Wednesday, March 25
Martin Krieger - University of Southern California
Uncertainty Principles
Dr. Martin H. Krieger is professor of planning at the Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California. He is trained as a physicist, and has taught in urban planning and policy at Berkeley, Minnesota, MIT, Michigan, and USC. His nine books are about mathematical modeling, environmental policy, and about theories of planning and design. He has been a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and at the National Humanities Center. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
Thursday, March 26
Gad Saad - Concordia University
Roots of Consumerism
Dr. Gad Saad is Professor of Marketing, holder of the Concordia University Research Chair in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences and Darwinian Consumption, Associate Editor of the journals Evolutionary Psychology and Customer Needs and Solutions, and an advisory fellow at the Center for Inquiry (Canada). He has held Visiting Associate Professorships at Cornell University (Johnson Graduate School of Management), Dartmouth College (Tuck School of Business), and the University of California-Irvine (Graduate School of Management). Dr. Saad was inducted into the Who’s Who of Canadian Business in 2002, and was listed as one of the “hot” professors of Concordia University in both the 2001 and 2002 Maclean‘s reports on Canadian universities. He received the Faculty of Commerce’s Distinguished Teaching Award in June 2000.
Friday, March 27
Ronald Johnson - American Public University
Digital Learning Innovations
Ronald Johnson, a professor of business management with American Public University, holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership from the University of Oklahoma. He is also a leadership consultant and mentor. His work takes him all around the world: England, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Finland and throughout Germany teaching and consulting. His recent research includes presentations at academic conference in Perth, Venice (twice) as well as in Paris. His research interests are in the areas of mobility learning and its pedagogy; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability; and humanistic management. He can be reached on Twitter @mlearningonline.