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The Academic Minute for 2015.4.13 - 4.17

Catch up with The Academic Minute from 4.13 - 4.17

Monday, April 13
Nancy Gallagher - University of Maryland   
Public Perception of the Iran Nuclear Deal
Nancy Gallagher is the Associate Director for Research at the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM) and a Senior Research Scholar at the University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy. She co-directs the Advanced Methods of Cooperative Security Program, an interdisciplinary effort to address the security implications of globalization by developing more refined rules of behavior and more comprehensive transparency arrangements. Her current research analyzes policy options to maximize benefits and minimize risks from the global spread of space capabilities, biotechnology, and nuclear energy.

Tuesday, April 14
John Lurz - Tufts University
Literature as a Medium
John Lurz is Assistant Professor in the English Department in the School of Arts and Sciences at Tufts University, where his research interests include nineteenth- and twentieth-century British literature, literary theory, and media studies. He is particularly partial to James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and Marcel Proust. He has recently finished a book manuscript entitled The Death of the Book: Modernist Novels and the Time of Reading, and his work has appeared in journals such as NOVEL and New Literary History. He holds degrees in English from Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley.  
Wednesday, April 15
Thomas Goetz - University of Konstanz (Germany)
A New Type of Boredom
Since 2007, Dr. Thomas Goetz has been a full professor at the University of Konstanz (Germany) and also at the Thurgau University of Teacher Education in Switzerland. Further, he is an adjunct professor at McGill University. Thomas Goetz is an educational psychologist with a main research focus on academic emotions. Within his research on academic emotions he is mainly interested in academic boredom. He has published about 70 journal articles on academic emotions including Psychological Science, a highly renowned psychological journal.

Thursday, April 16
Gabe Bowen - University of Utah     
Ancient Warming Periods and Today
Dr. Gabe Bowen is a native of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (the one up there by Canada) and graduate of the University of Michigan (B.S. in Geology, 1999) and University of California, Santa Cruz (Ph.D. in Earth Sciences, 2003). He spent two years as a postdoc at the University of Utah (Dept. of Biology, 2004-2005) before taking a position as Assitant Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN). While at Purdue he built a research program focused on leverageing spatial and temporal stable isotope datasets to constrain our understanding of Earth System processes, past and present. In the process he helped develop the Purdue Stable Isotope Facility, launch a new research community focused on spatial analytics using isotope data, and initiate a program to develop cyber-GIS infrastructure for the environmental isotope community..

Friday, April 17
Stephen Barnard - St. Lawrence University              
Social Media and Journalism
Stephen Barnard is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at St. Lawrence University
Dr. Barnard earned his Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Missouri in 2012, where he also earned an M.A. (2007) and B.A. (2005).  Before joining the faculty at St. Lawrence University, he held two interdisciplinary postdoctoral positions: one with the University of Denver’s Department of Media, Film, and Journalism Studies (2013-2014), and another with the School of Journalism and Peace Studies Program at the University of Missouri (2012-2013).  His research and teaching interests focus on the sociology of new media, culture, and communication.  His dissertation, entitled “Twitter and the Journalistic Field: How the Growth of a New(s) Medium is Transforming Journalism,” was nominated for the University of Missouri’s Distinguished Dissertation Award.  One article from this project was recently published in Journalism: Theory, practice and criticism, and other portions of this research are currently in preparation for journal and book publication.  At St. Lawrence he teaches multiple courses on the topic of technology and social change, including: Media & Society, The Web in Real Life, New Media, Conflict & Control.  As a Digital Initiatives Faculty Fellow, Dr. Barnard also teaches an upper-level capstone course entitled Twitter and Society, which examines how networked actors use Twitter in response to the social unrest in Ferguson, Missouri. For more information about Dr. Barnard, see his personal website.

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