The Room is a 2003 independent romantic drama film starring Tommy Wiseau, who also wrote, directed, and produced the feature - using his own money.
The Room is also completely ridiculous - with characters who show up and disappear without any conventional attention to their development, ludicrously unnatural dialogue, and footage reused - obviously - in more than one scene.

Called “"the Citizen Kane of bad movies"” by Entertainment Weekly, and originally shown only in a limited number of California movie theaters, the film quickly developed a cult following as fans found humor in the strange script, disjointed scenes that change mood on a dime, and total over-the-topness.
The film is shown often, frequently at midnight à la Rocky Horror Picture Show, and boasts many celebrity fans. It’s a joke in that culturally confusing way where it’s not entirely a joke. It’s bad - but people love it sincerely, talk about it a lot, and if they have a copy and you are their friend - you’re watching The Room with them sometime.

Greg Sestero plays Mark, the best friend of the main character in The Room. Greg will be at The Linda in Albany, NY this Saturday at 8pm to read from his new book The Disaster Artist - My Life Inside The Room (co-written by Tom Bissell) and to show a short documentary about the making of the film (he hopes to make a longer doc soon) and to act out some scenes from Tommy Wiseau’s original script with members of the audience.