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Any Questions #197

WAMC's Ian Pickus and resident quizzer Mike Nothnagel are entering marshall law.

Last week's challenge
Start with the word milestone. Rearrange the letters and you can spell a four-letter vehicle and a five-letter word describing people it often transports during this time of year. What are the words?
Answer: A LIMO often transports TEENS.

On-air questions: On June 5, 1947, the initiative that became the European Recovery Program – commonly known as the Marshall Plan – was drafted. The Plan was named for then-Secretary of State George Marshall, who outlined the program in his speech to the 1947 graduating class of Harvard University, and provided $17 billion to Europe in an effort to help rebuild their economies after World War II. To commemorate that plan, this week I've brought questions about famous Marshalls.
1. Nominated to the Supreme Court by Lyndon Johnson in June of 1967 and confirmed two months later, Justice Thurgood Marshall served as a justice for 24 years. He may be best known for a landmark case he argued before the court 17 years before his appointment, in which the Court ruled that the "separate but equal" doctrine did not apply to public education. What case is it?
2. Between 1946 and 1962, the Marshall Islands were home to a large part of what was known as the Pacific Proving Grounds. These sites were used by the United States Department of Energy to conduct over 100 of what type of test?
3. Portrayed by Jason Segel and based on one of the show's co-creators, Marshall Eriksen is married to Lily and best friends with Ted, Barney, and Robin on what long-running CBS sitcom, told in flashbacks and narrated by Bob Saget?
4. Among the films directed by Penny Marshall include 1992's A League of Their Own, the Oscar-nominated Awakenings from 1990, and what 1988 film, the first film directed by a woman to gross more than $100 million at the domestic box office?
5. The so-called "Marshall stack," in which an amplifier is placed on top of one or more loudspeaker cabinets in a tower-like formation, was popularized, and some even say invented, by what pioneering rock guitarist, who first used the configuration in the mid-1960s in an effort to increase the volume of his guitar?

Extra credit
1. A 2006 film depicting the aftermath of a 1970 tragedy that befell the Thundering Herd football team starred Matthew McConaughey and Matthew Fox, and was titled what?
2. Famous for books such as The Gutenberg Galaxy and Understanding Media, what philosopher and public intellectual coined the phrase "the medium is the message"?

This week's challenge
Start with the name of the actor E.G. MARSHALL. Change one letter to an L (not either of the two that are already there, of course) and you can rearrange the result to spell two five-letter antonyms. What are they?

On-air questions

1. Brown v. Board of Education
2. Nuclear bombs
3. How I Met Your Mother
4. Big
5. Pete Townshend

Extra credit
1. We Are Marshall
2. Marshall McLuhan

A lifelong resident of the Capital Region, Ian joined WAMC in 2008 and became news director in 2013. He began working on Morning Edition and has produced The Capitol Connection, produced and hosted the Congressional Corner, and several other WAMC programs. Ian can also be heard as the host of the WAMC News Podcast and on The Roundtable and newscasts. Ian holds a BA in English and journalism and an MA in English, both from the University at Albany, where he has taught journalism since 2013.
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