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Any Questions #241

WAMC's Ian Pickus and resident quizzer Mike Nothnagel swap seats to take care of business.

Last week's challenge
Start with the word SPILL-PROOF. Change one letter to an A, and you can rearrange the result to spell a two-word phrase (5, 5) that you might say to someone after they try to drink out of a glass they think is spill-proof. What is the phrase?
Answer: Change a P to an A and you can spell APRIL FOOL’S.

On-air questions: On this date in 1908, the Harvard University Board of Overseers decided to establish a graduate school of business administration, establishing the modern MBA degree. Harvard became the first school to offer an MBA in the world, and graduates over the past century have included industry leaders, politicians, and others. So today’s quiz is all about Harvard MBA graduates.

1. The only U.S. president with an MBA earned it at Harvard. Some of this man’s other jobs include stints in the Air National Guard, as the head of Arbusto Energy, and in Major League Baseball? Who am I talking about?
2. Jim Koch earned both a J.D. and an MBA from Harvard and founded the Boston Beer Co. in 1984. You probably know the company’s brand better as the namesake of a Revolutionary War figure.
3. Formerly a top executive with Google, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg had what advice for women in the title of her 2013 best-selling book?
4. The founder of Americans for Tax Reform, a Mr. Norquist, has said he learned everything he believed in politics by age 21 while studying at Harvard. His organization has since wielded tremendous clout with Republicans, holding them to a pledge never to raise taxes. What is this Harvard MBA graduate’s first name, which he shares with a popular Sesame Street character?
5. CEO Jeffrey Immelt runs a company often ranked in the top 10 in revenues by Forbes that announced early this year it was moving corporate headquarters from Connecticut to Boston. The company was founded in 1892 in an upstate New York city. What is the city and what is the company?

Extra credit
1. President of the World Bank from 1968-1981, Harvard MBA graduate Robert McNamara previously served as the Secretary of Defense from 1961-1968. Under which two presidents did he serve?
2. Among this 1966 graduate’s many, many legacies is a ban on oversize sodas, which was tossed out by a New York appeals court in 2013. Who introduced the Sugary Drinks Portion Cap Rule?

This week's challenge
Start with the phrase GRAD SCHOOL. Rearrange the letters and you can spell a two-word phrase associated with ships. What is the phrase?

On-air questions

1. George W. Bush (post-White House, Bush has spent time painting portraits of family pets and world leaders)
2. Sam Adams (like Adams, Koch also inherited brewing from his father)
3. Lean In. The full title is Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Sandberg is said to be worth a billion dollars and has been listed as one of Time’s 100 most powerful people.)
4. Grover
5. General Electric (one of the first 12 companies on the Dow Jones Industrial Average)

Extra credit
1. JFK and LBJ
2. Michael Bloomberg

A lifelong resident of the Capital Region, Ian joined WAMC in 2008 and became news director in 2013. He began working on Morning Edition and has produced The Capitol Connection, produced and hosted the Congressional Corner, and several other WAMC programs. Ian can also be heard as the host of the WAMC News Podcast and on The Roundtable and newscasts. Ian holds a BA in English and journalism and an MA in English, both from the University at Albany, where he has taught journalism since 2013.
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