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Albany Symphony's Season Opener And Gala

albany symphony palace theatre

The Albany Symphony starts a new season this Saturday, led by G award-winning conductor, David Alan Miller. The season begins at the Palace Theatre with a concert & gala program featuring the orchestral premiere of “Re(new)al” by composer, Viet Cuong. Re(new)al is the first of eleven world premieres to be performed this season.

The performance also features the Albany Symphony debut of violinist Stefan Jackiw, performing Brahms’ magnificent Violin Concerto, and closes with operatic selections from Verdi’s “Forza Del Destino,” Bizet’s “Carmen,” and Wagner’s iconic “Ride of the Valkyries.”

The ASO’s opening night gala and concert takes place at The Palace Theatre in Albany, New York on Saturday at 7pm. Joining us today is Maestro David Alan Miller, composer Viet Cuong, and Chairman of the ASO Gala Committee Michael Barnas.

Joe talks to people on the radio for a living. In addition to countless impressive human "gets" - he has talked to a lot of Muppets. Joe grew up in Philadelphia, has been on the area airwaves for more than 25 years and currently lives in Washington County, NY with his wife, Kelly, and their dog, Brady. And yes, he reads every single book.