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Free Circus In Troy’s Prospect Park Blends Traditional With The Contemporary

Circus in the Park 2019
TM Williams Photography
Circus in the Park 2019

The circus is coming to town. It’s a phrase that means different things to different people.

For many of a certain age, it conjures up visions of the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey circuses that would barnstorm the nation.

The circus would arrive by train, parade giant elephants through town and set up a gigantic tent where performers would create magic within three rings.

The comedy was slapstick, the acts death-defying and it was led by a personality-filled ringmaster, who would, on occasion, belt out a song.

For younger audiences, a circus takes place in an indoor arena and at places like Las Vegas. The experience is still dependent on individual feats of strength, dexterity and bravery, but they tend to be dramatic and filled with mythical storylines

The leader in this type of circus attraction is Cirque du Soleil who has brought a sense of unity to the performance through story-telling. Thus, the interaction of the performers is essential to making the whole entertaining.

This week’s circus which is performing in Troy’s Prospect Park at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday (with a rain date on Sunday), August-19-21, is a blending of the two forms.

It certainly has a Cirque feel to the presentation, but the story includes many elements of a traditional circus such as clowns, jugglers and aerialists. There is even one moment when someone uses a bow to shoot an arrow into an apple that is on a woman’s head. And, yes, there is a Ringmaster.

The show, which is titled “Circus in the Park: The Stars Above” is performed by Hideaway Circus. It’s hosted by the Troy-based The Contemporary Circus and Immersive Arts Center, and the Friends of Prospect Park.

Capacity for the outdoor show is approximately 500 people, about half of which will be free on a first come first serve basis. Bring a blanket or low chair for grass seating.

CCIAC is headed by Aaron Marquise who is dedicated to making Troy a hub for contemporary circuses. Trained at Montreal’s Ecole Nationale de Cirque, Marquise performed his own show in Prospect Park in 2019. Last year, all live events were sidelined by COVID, so instead he presented a one-man drama titled “A. Lone” which was offered on Zoom.

This year, he and Friends of Prospect Park are bringing to town the Hideaway Circus, a respected Brooklyn-based circus.

It is their theatrical background and highly disciplined circus skills that has Marquise believe they are the ideal group to make it easy for audiences to transition from traditional circus to a contemporary presentation.

It is reasonable to believe that “The Stars Above” will be very theatrical in nature as the creatives all have strong backgrounds in theater and dance. Hideaway was nominated for two Drama Desk Awards for its dance piece “Beyond Babel.”

The company was founded by Josh and Lyndsay Aviner, who each have extensive theater credits. Lyndsay has an MFA in Theater Arts and Management. Josh has an MFA in Film Directing and Producing. Both have an additional MFA from Columbia University in Theater Producing and Management.

Not only are their credentials critical for a well-run organization, they also bond them with Marquise. He performed locally with the New York State Theatre Institute and studied musical theater and playwriting at Marymount College in NYC before turning to circus arts.

The theme of “The Stars Above” is to show a single day in the life of a traditional troupe of touring circus performers that were popular during the 19th century.

The storyline permits a blending of traditional circus acts – jugglers, acrobats, clowns – and a display of the skills of the contemporary circus artist. There is live music throughout, with musicians performing original music and reimagined covers of traditional favorites. The only thing missing is animals. There are no animals used in the 90-minute production.

Watching circus artists performing and dramatize their communal lives on the back lot can be seen as a metaphor for our sense of family, community and loved ones. The loss of tradition in the circus can be read as a loss of many comforting customs throughout society.

The power of artists to adjust to new ways of performances signals the resiliency of humans in all walks of life. Marquise says the uplifting positive statements in “The Stars Above” makes it an ideal show for the Covid era.

There is another important element of the circus that makes it an indispensable art form. In an era where the entertainment industry is seeking to be more diverse and inclusive, the circus serves as a role model.

It is the most ecumenical of entertainments - to the point that you cannot define what is a circus act. Not to overwork a pun but everyone’s individual skill is welcome under the big tent. Marquise calls circus, “The art of what is humanly possible.”

Important to all concerned is that the experience is ideal for children and families. Says Marquise, “Kids might not get the themes of nostalgia, loss and resiliency in the piece. But they will be awed by the thrilling feats of strength, skill and dexterity.”

As he spoke, you could almost hear the Ringmasters of yore welcoming audiences by addressing them as “children of all ages.”

Some things never change.

“Circus in the Park: The Stars Above” performs at Troy’s Prospect Park 7:30 p.m. August 19-21. For more information go to cciac.us

Bob Goepfert is theater reviewer for the Troy Record.

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