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“Ain’t Misbehavin’” energetic fun at Barrington Stage

It would be a logical guess that the toughest problem for Richard Maltby, Jr, when he was creating “Ain’t Misbehavin’”was deciding which of the over 400 songs Fats Waller wrote should be included in the musical revue.

Judging by the production running at Barrington Stage Company through July 9, he made wise choices.

There are approximately 30 songs in the work and the combination urges people to dance in the aisles, laugh at some raunchy puns or contemplate what it must have felt like being a Black person during the first half of the 20th century.

My best guess is it’s a lot like being a Black person the first part of the 21st century.

Despite the fact the just over two-hour show is a joyful celebration of people having fun, the bywork leaves you with the thought that things really haven’t changed that much. You need look no further that the touchingly rendered “Black and Blue,” solemnly sung by the entire cast of five, which forces you to realize no matter what social progress has been made, real change has been minor.

Indeed, part of Waller’s genius was his music was one of the things that united both races. For the white population, it was fun music. For Blacks the fun was also a relief from daily life.

This perhaps explains the popularity of Waller’s music 80 years after his death in 1943, at the young age of 39. It’s also a reason that it’s still being produced 44 years after the show won the Tony Award in 1978.

Waller’s music was, and is still, uplifting. The style defies you not to laugh or at least smile, even in the worst of times. Try not to feel better after hearing the title song, “The Joint is Jumpin’,” ‘Honeysuckle Rose” or “I Can’t Give You Anything But Love.” It’s a night of one familiar song after another – all delivered without explanation or introduction.

Director Jeffrey L. Page moves the show at an almost breakneck pace, especially in the first act which consists mostly of high energy ensemble numbers.

If there is flaw in the approach, it’s after a while you start to fear for the stamina of the impressive cast. There is little rest for anyone in this segment.

The tone changes in act two. The songs have more depth with a couple of novelty numbers and a few laughs offering a change in pace.

In this segment individual performers get to show their instincts for comedy and understanding of sensitive lyrics.

On a social level it also distinguishes the attitudes for those who performed for white audiences at places like the Waldorf Astoria and afterwards partied in small clubs in Harlem.

There’s a wonderful juxtaposition with the numbers “Lounging at Waldorf” and “The Vipers Drag.” In it, the cast represents a group of fancy dressed swells downtown who strive to find importance by flaunting tacky fashion. Meanwhile, uptown Jarvis B. Manning Jr., through dance, song and a melancholy mood, displays his emptiness through the use of what was then called “reefers.” Manning is a great presence throughout the production contributing in several duets.

Other standout numbers are Maisha McQueen singing both “Two Sleepy People” and “Mean to Me.” Allison Blackwell finds all the sexual innuendos in “Squeeze Me,” and “Anastacia McClesky does the same with “Keeping Out of Mischief Now.”

Arnold Harper II has fun with the novelty number “Your Feets Too Big,” but his special moment is with “I’m Going to Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter.” He is a force in every ensemble number.

It’ could be easy to overlook the important contributions of musical director Kwinton Gray, who also plays a mean piano while leading the excellent six-piece band. Too, director Page’s choreography adds some great visual support throughout the show.

“Ain’t Misbehavin'” is a happy musical, energetically performed.

It continues at Barrington Stage Company, North Street, Pittsfield, MA through July 9. For tickets and schedule information go to barringtonstageco.org or call 413-236-8888.

Bob Goepfert is theater reviewer for the Troy Record.

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