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“Dracula: a Comedy of Terrors” - erratic silliness at Capital Rep

 Cathryn Wake, Jeremy Webb, Dan Rosales - in a scene from "Dracula: a Comedy of Terrors" at Capital Rep
Capital Rep
Cathryn Wake, Jeremy Webb, Dan Rosales - in a scene from "Dracula: a Comedy of Terrors" at Capital Rep

This summer the Berkshire Theatre Group offered a production of “Dracula.” It proved that the material no longer works. In fact, the melodramatic approach tended to be comic in its sincerity.

Capital Repertory Theatre in Albany just opened “Dracula: a Comedy of Terrors.” It is intentionally designed for laughs.

Even though you do, at times, laugh, smile and groan - the work is not that much more successful than the serious version.

What it proves is all versions of the Dracula myth should be retired. How do you parody material that has become a parody of itself?

There’s a point about 70-minutes into the 90-minute production that the characters come to the realization that Dracula is a vampire.

As a joke, one character asks the audience, “How did it take us so long to figure it out?”

That funny moment summarizes the problem in presenting any version of the story. It’s too familiar, the characters are already broad and it is very, very hard to identify with the anyone or anything.

This is not to say the production is without any pleasures. There are meek jokes aplenty, visual cross-dressing comedy and puns galore.

The acting is excellent as four of the five cast members play multiple roles. And, as any contemporary production of “Dracula” must - the title character is extremely sexy.

Another issue is the creators want to poke fun at the source material and honor it too. The writing team of Gordon Greenberg and Steve Rosen stick to the traditional story line and even add a moral about the sadness that comes from having eternal life. Problem is the creaky story slows the pace and lessens the comedic moments.

It’s almost ironic that the approach slows the play while it offers the chance to admire the talents of the cast.There is no star performance as it is a total ensemble effort.

Each actor has a grip on the character even when they reach the point of caricature. Best of all, each shows a superb knack for comic timing which is so necessary for the type of humor in the play. If the joke doesn’t land, the response does.

Catherine Wake, a Schenectady native, is charming as Lucy - and is one of the only performers who do not shout most of the time. She’s such a strong person, you understand Dracula’s desire for her.

Jeremy Webb has fun with two female roles. He is outrageously over the top as Mina, Lucy’s homely sister. He is just as much fun with the rigid female, Dr. Jeanne Van Helsing.

Webb is another cast member with local connections, having served as an intern with the former Empire State Institute for the Performing Arts at the Egg.

Dan Rosales is terrific as the meek Jonathan Harkers who transitions into a more virile version of himself.

On the subject of virile, David T. Patterson’s Dracula is an ego-driven villain who delights in being sinister.

He is not only a caricature of Dracula, he riffs on every rock star. He’s especially effective as his shirtless physique adds another level of sexiness to the portrayal.

Last, but far from least, is Kathy Fitzgerald who is a delight in her portrayals of the mad, bug-eating Renfield and the grouchy father of Lucy, Dr. Westfeldt. Her quick changes are special fun.

It’s directed with much cleverness by co-creator Greenberg who effectively choreographs the stage action as he finds the comedy in his own jokes.

“Dracula: a Comedy of Terrors” is a silly distraction that continues at Capital Rep through October 23.

For tickets and schedule information call 518-346-6204 or go to capitalrep.org

Bob Goepfert is theater reviewer for the Troy Record.

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