Albany County Executive Dan McCoy has unveiled enhancements to the Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail.
Since the paved portion of the trail opened in May 2016 from New Scotland to South Pearl Street in Albany, it has fast become part of daily life for local residents and visitors seeking a place to walk or ride and enjoy nature. Some cyclists even use the trail for the commute to work. McCoy announced Capital Roots has donated a bike repair station at the Albany trail head. "So if you get a flat tire or if you need to fix your bike, the tools are gonna be right there," said McCoy.
Additionally, the rail trail, Ann Lee Pond and Lawson Lake County park will all have sunscreen stations. "To remind people please put the sun lotion on. Be healthy. We want you to protect your skin from skin cancer and still enjoy the rail trail at the same time."

The 9-mile Rail Trail corridor is owned by Albany County and is a shared-use path that accommodates all types of non-motorized traffic.
- To learn about the history of the Rail Trail, visit Rail Trail History page.
- Want to keep up to date on the latest Rail Trail News? Visit the Rail Trail News page and sign up to receive MHLC’s newsletter.
- Need a map? Visit the ACHH Rail Trail Map page.