Albany County Executive Dan McCoy and Sheriff Craig Apple are urging calm as COVID-19 continues to spread in Albany County.
McCoy says uncertainties aside, this is no time for fear.
"People shouldn't panic. It's the new norm. Let the police agencies that are her do therir job. Let the military come in and do their job, state police, Albany..."
Apple says he is well aware gun sales have syrocketed across the Capital Region.
"Crime is down. we've had a couple violent incidents occur that had nothing to do with the coronavirus."
Apple says everyone is safe.
"Our police officers are taking extra precautions, staging with EMS instead of just going in there... everyody is fine. And again, listen, I don't have an issue with anybody buying guns. I just want you to handle that gun safely, store it responsibly."
McCoy added 'don't go out and shoot a gun for the first time in the middle of this crisis.'
Albany County Officials: Stay Calm

WAMC photo by Dave Lucas