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Paul Elisha: History Hits The Stage

In the past week, an important event in theatrical history celebrated an even more crucial event in our nation’s political history, when Gerald Rafshoon and Lawrence Wright (confidante and Pulitzer Prize winning playwright) presented “Camp David,” a dramatization of the thirteen volatile days of intense debate that produced the first negotiated agreement on a peace initiative between Egypt’s Anwar Sadat and Israel’s Menachem Begin;  the most historically vital achievement of the Carter Presidency.

Silent but looming above the stage was another salient participant: a critical advisor to both Begin and Carter, before and during this impossible parlay; the Nobel Peace Prize winning Holocaust survivor, ElieWeisel.  The world is sadly aware of what has transpired, in the wake of that first all-but-impossible initiative, that President Carter still considers to have been crucial.  Less known but starkly telling, is the unusual path ElieWeisel has taken to American citizenship, disappointment with Israeli disregard of the plight of other similar sufferers and his own growing interest in less harshly orthodox, more liberal and tolerant practices of other religious groups.

In light of the familial suffering Weisel has experienced, the intensity and commendable worth of his responses and their human and humane value to all, the current Israeli Prime Minister and his cohorts; plus many Jewish and non-Jewish political supporters of Israel in the United States, should pay respectful attention to the words and deeds of this truly exemplary, worthy and willing consultant.

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