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Paul Elisha: Shared Destiny

In the year 1900, in what this pundit believes to be one of the most cogent and powerful essays, Theodore Roosevelt claimed that no one is justified in doing evil for reasons of expedience.  Alas, in little more than a century later, expedience is fueling a return to the most vicious and inhumane practices of this self-proclaimed ‘democratic republic’s’ self-scarred history, in a succession of prejudicial efforts, to deny African-Americans and others of similar color, access to the civil rights ostensibly enjoyed by everyone else.  Conservative Republican officials and others of their ilk, at every level of government, from local through county, state and federal, are eagerly involved in this hateful denial, made even more detestable by their own outspoken claims of innocent ignorance.

Those who harbor what they like to believe are rational feelings of abhorrence at the anti-social attitudes and behavior of the unemployed, drug-ridden, welfare cheats and other abusers, who add to their already onerous tax burdens, overlook the fact, that this ugly lowest stratum of our society was created by the absolute refusal of wealthier, upper-class, Caucasian ‘Haves’, to in any way, chip-in for its improvement or displacement.

Unlike most obsessively Hell-bent White-supremisists, this pundit has always felt connectedly comfortable in the company of those more darkly complexioned  than I…

Until I stumbled on the Freudian concept that Moses was actually an Egypto-Jewish-Ethiopian, from whom the Queen of Sheba and ultimately, Haili-Selassi (The Lion Of Judah) were all descended.  This is now an even more widely held view, among those who study and teach in the Antiquities Sciences.

Though detestable, one can still understand how todays descendants of yesteryear’s founders and proponents of Afro-American slavery and all of its horrendous societal spin-offs would find any link to its modern renaissance hard to swallow.  But see it they must; including the now absolute possibility, that no matter how indistinct, we’re all possessors of a darker skin pigment; thus, all related members of the human family.  No matter from whence it comes, identity isn’t important, its ultimate destiny is… its endless pain, all of it, always… ours to share.

The views expressed by commentators are solely those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of this station or its management.

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