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Fearless Predictions For 2017

I can’t believe that it’s already 2017! Frankly 2016 could have been a lot better but I suppose it could have been a lot worse. So I am compelled to give my predictions which are given for three reasons. Some I really DON’T want to happen so I put the double whammy on them by predicting something that I fear. Or, sometimes I predict things that I want to see happen so I predict them to make them happen, a little positive energy. Or, and this is a big or, I predict things that I really think will happen. It’s up to you, dear readers to decide which is which.

Donald Trump will be impeached by the House of Representatives and convicted in the Senate. The grounds will be conclusive evidence of collusions with the Russians to fix the elections. His fate will be sealed because of the leadership in the Senate of six Republicans led by John McCain and Lindsay Graham. Both men will be honored as super patriots. McCain will intone, on receiving his award, “I did what was right.”

WAMC will receive more contributions than ever before in its history. Many of the comments appended to the donations will say, “We can’t afford NOT to do this. The future of the country is dependent on the First Amendment.”

I will receive more anti-Semitic threats.

A WAMC troll will go too far and will be arrested and indicted for an potential attack at WAMC headquarters. No one will be hurt.

Two WAMC staff members will become parents for the second time.

The new President will submit a budget that eliminates all radio funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. That will mean about $400,000 dollars out of the WAMC budget. Listeners will make up that amount saying, “We can’t do without OUR radio station.”

WAMC will lead a charge when NPR raises its rates. I will say, “Okay, we can might make it but what about all those other little stations that won’t be able to cut it. With all that we do NPR will have to learn to live within its mean just as WAMC and every other station does.”

Donald J. Trump will unleash a fierce attack on the First Amendment. He will use his personal family resources to sue news organizations in spurious attacks about media reporting. He will literally bankrupt many of the news organizations that he attacks. The Washington Post will win several Pulitzer Prizes. The New York Times will win one.

Mort Zuckerman will sell the New York Daily News.

The New York Post will cease publication.

A big time drug arrest will be made in the bus stop outside of WAMC in Albany. The Albany Mayor will say, “We can’t risk losing WAMC because of these continued violations. We have to get serious.”

A MAJOR foundation will decide it is time to make awards to NPR stations around the country. Its President will say. This is where the best work is being done and we have to support it. NPR brass will not be pleased.

Alan will lay down the law to his beloved staff members who smoke.” I will tell them that I am only trying to save your lives, you are too valuable to all of us to let you continue on this disastrous path.”

Another locality will offer WAMC a huge incentive to move its operations to a suburban community. Alan will bring the multimillion dollar offer to his board of trustees but he will advise them against accepting the offer suggesting that “Our work is here where the rainbow really shines.” The Albany City government will become so alarmed by the possibility of the move that they will name the Central Avenue Intersection with Quail Street, “WAMC Square.” The city will restore the very limited funding that they used to support WAMC with.

You dear listeners will have a healthy and hopefully happy New Year.

Dr. Alan Chartock is professor emeritus at the University at Albany. He hosts the weekly Capitol Connection series, heard on public radio stations around New York. The program, for almost 12 years, highlighted interviews with Governor Mario Cuomo and now continues with conversations with state political leaders. Dr. Chartock also appears each week on The Media Project and The Roundtable and offers commentary on Morning Edition, weekdays at 7:40 a.m.
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