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Confounding and confusing events 9/25/23

Scientists are reporting that iron dust could reverse the course of climate change. It appears that oceans cool when iron dust enters the water. This can happen in natural ways, but it can also happen, if you will, artificially by deliberately dumping iron dust into an ocean or other bodies of water. Scientists are debating whether or not such activity on a large scale could have other adverse consequences to the oceans and the world’s climate, but nonetheless, it is a process worth investigating. You may recall I mentioned some time ago that off the Pacific coast of South America the water was cooling for unknown reasons, this may well be caused by an increase of iron dust in the water, although no one has specifically raised that as a source of the cooling. Anything that could dramatically reduce carbon in the atmosphere needs to be investigated, and it may well be that it turns out that only a limited amount of iron dust can be poured into the oceans without doing damage, but if the amount is nonetheless material, then the benefit could also be material. This, in conjunction with other measures may be enough to help the world.

It appears that there is one old white guy who has some common sense. Mitt Romney announced that he is retiring and not running again, and calling upon President Biden and Mr. Trump not to run again, seems like another bit of Romney common sense. Senator Romney has been a consistent voice of reason, who relies on science and the application of common sense to difficult problems. Congratulations to Mr. Romney, and I hope that some of our other friends take his recommendation.

A massive deposit of lithium in a super volcano in Nevada could have a major impact on the US economy. Lithium is one of those materials that is incredibly important in today’s economy, and $1.5 trillion find could certainly create a boost at many levels. The question as is always the case, can this mineral be extracted in a way that does little or no harm to the environment. So long as there is a significant cushion between harm done and the benefits of mining this material, then it is something that needs to be seriously looked at. This could be a tremendous opportunity to put another road block in China’s efforts to challenge the US economy, because today we are reliant on China for most of our rare earth minerals, and this would be one arrow out of that quiver.

Consumer sentiment fell in September for the second month in a row down to 67.7 from the month earlier of 69.5 according to the University of Michigan. It appears consumers are concerned about the economy in general, gas prices in particular, while viewing inflation as cooling and the economy is doing “okay”, largely relying on the strong job market and low unemployment.

The news is saturated with stories of Republican in-fighting as they attempt to come up with a bill to keep the government open. It is largely the same cast of characters saying the same things as they did before the debt ceiling legislation was passed. There is, however, a group of more serious moderate Republican voices talking about joining with Democrats to pass a piece of legislation to keep the government open, and utilizing what is known as a “discharge petition”, which means a bill can be brought to the floor without the concurrence of the majority through the signatures on the petition of 218 members. This would be a significant, if not a monumental loss for McCarthy, and could very well be the act that brings him down which would be ironic since it would not be done by those who fought to put him in a position where he could be removed, but rather by moderates who supported his speakership.

It has been reported that Mr. Trump has said he is pleased by Mr. Putin’s praise, and is being quoted as saying “I like that he said that”, which refers to Mr. Putin’s statement that he was happy to hear Trump’s promise to resolve all burning issues within several days, including the war in Ukraine. He resolved almost nothing in his first term in accord with what he said he would do, such as having the Mexican government pay for the border wall, having the Chinese pay for the tariffs he was imposing (we actually paid those sums when we purchased the goods). North Korea was a bust, etc.

Archeologists have discovered more than 100 ancient drawings in a Spanish cave, that are at least 24,000 years old, employing a rare clay painting technique.

In another find, a wood structure with interlocking logs was located in Zambia. Age 476,000 years which is before sapiens (us) evolved.

Scientists have recently completed a study which purports to indicate that those who got severe cases of COVID, which included pneumonia, appear to have a higher level than the rest of us of Neanderthal DNA. I would urge you to look around and see if you can see other telltale signs of that now extinct branch of the human race.

Ms. Stefanik should be asked a couple of tough questions – how much of her Office budget does she refund to the treasury? I gave back 10% each year. Does she support Mr. Trump telling General Milley not to bring wounded veterans to his events? The reason was Mr. Trump believed people don’t want to see these wounded veterans. This is a disgusting display for someone who claims to support veterans. What say you Congresswoman?

Is COVID back? And what will it mean? There is no doubt that we are all tired of this adventure. Nonetheless, diligence and common sense needs to be deployed.

Bill Owens is a former member of Congress representing the New York 21st, a partner in Stafford, Owens, Piller, Murnane, Kelleher and Trombley in Plattsburgh, NY and a Strategic Advisor at Dentons to Washington, DC.

The views expressed by commentators are solely those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of this station or its management.

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