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Confounding and confusing events 1/8/24

Scientists have discovered something they have identified as plasty stones, a new type of sedimentary rock that is part plastic and part rock which has been found on at least five continents and in eleven countries. This is another example of how plastic which has been found floating in our oceans can morph into other parts of our ecology. The plasty stones present a unique challenge because they could be seen by fish as algae and ingested which could have dramatic negative effects on our ocean ecology, and obviously on the fish who eat the rocks.

The Atlantic Magazine recently published an article entitled “Is this how Amazon Ends?” It focuses on how Amazon processes through its distribution system poor quality goods which over time could cause the demise, according to the authors, of Amazon’s business model. There are also some references in this article to the idea that Americans, and I think the rest of the consuming world, is willing to accept poor quality in exchange for lower prices and quick delivery. Ultimately, in my view, if consumers begin to demand higher quality goods and are willing to pay for them, Amazon will morph into that business model. Whether or not it will achieve the same level of profitability is difficult to know, but I doubt that Amazon will not go down without a fight.

Apple is in a dispute with the US Government over its watches, and the use of certain technology which Seamo, a medical monitoring technology company claims violates its patents. The US Department of Commerce has banned the importation of the watches. There are several pieces of litigation ongoing relative to this matter, but it is an unusually strong position for the US Government to have taken against Apple.

Holiday spending was up, unfilled jobs remain at about 8.8 million. Inflation is down, gas prices are down, what are Republicans complaining about?

The FBI has been reporting a significant decline in many major cities of crime rates including murders. The commercials you see on television in favor of various Republican presidential candidates are clearly misstating the facts, nothing unusual, but this instills fear where it is unnecessary. It is interesting to me to note that Nikki Haley, in particular, is resorting to fear which is the same playbook that Donald Trump works out of.

Our Congresswoman, Ms. Stefanik in response to resignation of President Gay of Harvard was simple but revealing “Two down, one to go”. Her inability to recognize the complexity of the situation is unfortunately typical of her as she refuses to utilize her intellect in pondering difficult questions as her only approach appears to be how will it play with my base. I am not sure that Ms. Stefanik realizes that the brain in order to function at its highest level needs to be exercised, in this case meaning thinking, which she refuses to do. Her leader, speaker Johnson, unfortunately falls into the same category, they are a perfect duo, non-thinking hypocrites.

A bi-partisan deal was reached to fund the government, which likely will get half or less of Republicans in the house to vote yes – can speaker Johnson last?

Some Trump news. Mr. Trump, or at least his lawyers, expect the Supreme Court to treat him favorably because he appointed 3 of them, especially Justice Kavanaugh. Mr. Trump, the Godfather? Mr. Trump told an audience in Iowa that the people in the Perry High School community should “get over it” – the kind embrace of the man who wants to lead us.

Bill Owens is a former member of Congress representing the New York 21st, a partner in Stafford, Owens, Piller, Murnane, Kelleher and Trombley in Plattsburgh, NY and a Strategic Advisor at Dentons to Washington, DC.

The views expressed by commentators are solely those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of this station or its management.

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