Jlin & Florence To: AKOMA

Jlin & Florence To: AKOMA
AKOMA is the latest project and album by electronic musician Jlin. In preparation for the album’s upcoming tour, Jlin and multidisciplinary artist Florence To are in residence at EMPAC to develop and preview their new concert production that explores a dynamic and rhythmic conversation where sound and light create a resonance that absorbs and brings energy into a shared space.
Performing together onstage in EMPAC Studio 1—Goodman, Jlin and To invite audiences to join in as they experiment with digital visual surfaces for displaying To’s highly interactive visual work that responds to Jlin’s singular compositions.
EMPAC at Rensselaer
$20 / $15 ages 55+ and students
08:00 PM - 11:59 PM on Fri, 15 Mar 2024
EMPAC at Rensselaer
50 Eighth Street
New York