Norman Rockwell: Illustrating Humor

Norman Rockwell: Illustrating Humor
Norman Rockwell: Illustrating Humor highlights selections from Rockwell’s most amusing artworks drawn from the Museum’s permanent collection.
Norman Rockwell: Illustrating Humor runs concurrently with What, Me Worry? The Art and Humor of MAD Magazine, this summer’s landmark exhibition of original art from one of America’s oldest humor publications. These thematically linked exhibitions juxtapose and illuminate two strikingly different veins of American humor, from the gently comical to the outrageously satirical. The underlying unity, however, is apparent in the brilliance of the illustrations and the successful intent to prompt viewers’ laughter and, perhaps, invite rueful self-recognition.
Norman Rockwell Museum
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM, every day through Jun 10, 2025.
Norman Rockwell Museum
9 Glendale Rd., Rte 183