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Visual Storytelling: Grades 5-8

Visual Storytelling: Grades 5-8

Grades 5-8
Price: $240

Want to share your story in a creative way? Do you love comics, graphic novels, cartoons, and other forms of sequential art? Using a combination of researched storytelling methods and artistic experiments, students will explore what makes the art of cartooning unique and work together to translate our stories into real-life printed comic books. Students will be encouraged to stretch themselves creatively while still learning the technical basics needed to create a professional comic book. Each student will complete at least four pages of their own comic story, and the final stories will be assembled and printed as an anthology collection available at the local comic shop, World End Comics.


Please register at least a week in advance to guarantee your spot.


We believe in access to art education for all. It takes the whole community to generate the equity our pay-what-you-can tuition generates. Behind the scenes, we work to bridge the financial gap between what our students can pay and what we need to sustain our programs. Please consider carefully before you use our discount codes. Discount codes can be found on our website while registering.

8 Tuesdays
March 25, April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13 (snow day May 20)
4:00 - 5:30pm

D.R.A.W Kingston
Every week through May 13, 2025.
Tuesday: 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM

Event Supported By

D.R.A.W Kingston
24 Iwo Jima Ln
Kingston, New York 12401