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Karen Wojcik: Healthcare for Retired Americans

The Alliance for Retired Americans is a National organization in 33 States assisting 4 million members working to advance social and economic justice by mobilizing retirees and their families.

In NYS we have 5 chapters. One in Long Island, others in NYC, Buffalo, Syracuse and the Capital District. Our state president Barry Kaufmann is located right here in Latham NY.

In this past year, two issues the ARA have lobbied and promoted and won the battle on, were: $15 minimum wage, and paid family leave. Yes, they are senior issues! We’re continuing to work on Safe Staffing for Nurses. Another must for all in hospitals but especially for seniors!

One issue is now a focus of our group’s education efforts: Universal Health Insurance Coverage achieved through Single Payer finance. While there are several ways of achieving universal coverage, only single payer finance, where a single public agency pays for all necessary medical care, drastically reduces the administrative waste of our present system. Health services would be financed through progressive taxes, eliminating all other premiums, co-pays and deductibles. The New York Assembly has passed such legislation, the New York Health Act, which would bring this insurance coverage to every New Yorker. The NY Health Act S 4840 has been bogged down in the New York Senate. The NYS Assembly version A 4738 has passed several times.

My Capital District Chapter set the goal this year to show the 2nd movie about single payer called, “NOW IS THE TIME” in every library in the Capital District. Following the viewing, there will be a discussion with people who can share more information and time to answer viewers questions about this much needed benefit.

In Bernie Sanders state Vermont, Single Payer did not pass in his state legislature because the governor did not adequately inform the people of Vermont. We want to learn from that mistake! Our Capital District Chapter of the NYSARA can bring this movie and discussion to YOUR library. You, as a resident of your town and I and your librarian can meet to set a date to inform your community about this healthcare reform legislation opportunity that New Yorkers deserve! Everyone needs to learn THE FACTS and erase THE MYTHS!

Let’s now mention two of the many myths. First, Single Payer health care is not socialism. The health care system will not be taken over by the state but will remain as is with existing hospitals and providers caring for their patients just as they now do. The fundamental change is that the payer of all costs incurred will be one, the state on NY, and not the hundreds of private insurance companies that now perform that task.

Next, and contrary to the contentions of conservative economists, the goal of single payer is not the transfer of wealth from rich insurance companies and their stockholder’s to the ’’have nots” but universal access to comprehensive health care for ALL New Yorkers, 16 percent of the cost for which will be derived from savings realized from reduced insurance administrative costs THAT’S $28.6 billion; reduced physician and hospital administrative cost , $20.7 billion; then bulk purchasing of drugs and medical devices is $16.3 billion and from reduced fraud, a savings of $5.4 billion. WOW… some savings!

As a senior activist, I try to balance time with my family, my interests and a dedication to learning the facts. Then I ACT, call a legislator, go to a rally, write an editorial, or a commentary to make this country a better place to leave for our grandchildren. Spending time on issues greater than myself, I do wonder after 70 years on this earth what my legacy will be? As Oprah Winfrey recently said as the graduation speaker for the University of Southern California “Your legacy is what you are willing to stand UP for.” Did you know the UN has adopted a resolution on universal health care? My hope is that NYS and hopefully the USA will join the ranks of the 58 other countries that now have a form of universal health care.

Resource: www.nyhcampaign.org 

Karen Wojcik-Hess is the president of the Capital District Chapter of The New York State Alliance for Retired Americans.

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