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Vermont Secretary of State Calls for Earlier State Primary

Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos plans in the upcoming session to ask lawmakers to move Vermont's primary for state offices to an earlier date.
General election ballots must be mailed 45 days before Election Day to military and other overseas voters. This is the second election cycle in a row in Vermont in which a gubernatorial primary recount has raised fears the state won't make that federal deadline. Secretary of State Jim Condos says the August primary needs to be moved to an earlier date, perhaps as early as May or June.

Vermont Republican Party Chair Jack Lindley does not like the idea of advancing the primary dates to spring or early summer,  saying it would be too close to the legislative session.

Vermont Democratic Party Chair Jake Perkinson says a discussion is needed, but a change could also open a can of worms.

The primary was moved by the Legislature from the second Tuesday in September to the fourth Tuesday of August beginning in the 2010 election cycle.