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IBEW And CHEG Negotiate New Deal

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POUGHKEEPSIE – Central Hudson and IBEW Local 320 have negotiated a new contract for utility workers, who would become employees of Fortis, Inc. should the buyout of CH Energy Group be approved by the State Public Service Commission.

State Assemblyman Kevin Cahill (D- Kingston) said it is a good deal for the workers, but the proposed purchase leaves a lot to be desired.

Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D- 18) is thrilled with the contract agreement.

“Sometimes it makes you angry because these companies will try everything under the sun before doing the thing that is right, which just treating people with dignity and supporting their workers,” Maloney said.

But while Cahill said the pact is good for the union, the deal between Fortis and CH Energy Group stinks.

“They can’t just decide they want to do it because they want to or because they think Fortis are nice guys; they have to make a determination that  it provides a net public benefit for the ratepayer and so far, there is nothing in this package that demonstrates that,” Cahill said.

Cahill said what he calls “a scant public benefit fund” and other issues are reasons why he believes the buyout should not be approved.