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NYC DEP To Remove Trees Near Monument At The Ashokan Reservoir

Courtesy of the NYC DEP

The New York City Department of Environmental Protection next week will begin removing trees it says endanger a monument at the Ashokan Reservoir in Ulster County.

The tree removal is part of a long-term plan to enhance public access at the 108-year-old J. Waldo Smith Monument, a stone tower on a hill along the south side of the reservoir. In the coming weeks, timber experts will remove trees within a 100-foot radius of the monument to prevent them from falling on the tower. Dead and dying trees will also be removed from a 9-acre area surrounding the monument.

This tree thinning is intended to open the forest floor to sunlight and promote the growth of a younger, more diverse forest. It will also allow DEP to create a lawn area near the monument. DEP will close a portion of the recreation path at Ashokan Reservoir until the end of the year to allow for the tree removal. 

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