(Airs 07/05/20 @ 6 p.m. & 07/06/20 @ 3 p.m.) The Media Project is an inside look at media coverage of current events with WAMC’s CEO Alan Chartock, Times Union Editor-at-Large Rex Smith, and Former Editor, Investigative Journalist and current UAlbany Professor, Rosemary Armao, and Barbara Lombardo, Journalism Professor at the University at Albany and former Executive Editor of The Saratogian and The (Troy) Record. On this week’s Media Project Alan, Rosemary, Barbara and Rex talk about what to do when there is too much news, the long list of companies that are pulling their ads from Facebook, the pro-trump media outlets in denial of Covid-19, and more.
The Media Project #1518 - Alan, Rosemary, Barbara, Rex