Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders will hold a conference this weekend in Montpelier focused on the regional impacts of climate change.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced major federal legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Sanders’ chief counsel and former senior policy advisor for energy and the environment Darren Springer says the “Global Warming - What Does it Mean For Vermont” conference will focus on what the region is currently experiencing and what could happen in the future.
Keynote speaker Bill McKibben calls Sanders the great champion in the Senate of doing something about climate change and says it’s a pleasure to help him in a small way.
The Lake Champlain Committee is among the partnering organizations supporting the conference. Executive Director Lori Fisher says climate change is already affecting the region.
Activists have pointed to the increasing frequency of storms like Irene and Lee, which caused millions in damage to Vermont and other Northeast states, as being tied to changes in the climate. Vermont Natural Resources Council Energy Program Director Johanna Miller says the world is not moving fast enough to address climate change.
Panel discussions include global warming impacts on agriculture and forests, the sugar maple, ski and tourism economies, and health care and infrastructure. Participants will share ideas for policies to deal with global climate change.
The conference, which is free and open to the public, will be held Saturday from 10 until 4 at the Montpelier High School.
A link for more information is available here.