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Markey, Gomez Head Into Final Full Campaign Day

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 Republican Gabriel Gomez and Democrat Edward Markey are preparing to crisscross the state during their final full day of campaigning before Massachusetts' special U.S. Senate election.

Markey planned a "get out the vote" drive Monday, greeting supporters in Springfield and Worcester and participating in a business tour of downtown Lawrence before attending a rally at the YMCA in his hometown of Malden.

Gomez planned to start his day greeting commuters at the Braintree MBTA stop before heading on to Plymouth, Hyannis and Brockton before attending a rally with former U.S. Sen. Scott Brown in Quincy.

Both campaigns have put an emphasis on getting their voters to the polls in a race where overall turnout could be low.

Tuesday's election will fill the seat left vacant by the resignation of John Kerry to become secretary of state.

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