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Burlington City Council Passes 3 of 4 Gun Control Resolutions


The Burlington City Council voted Monday night to approve several gun-control measures.

The council approved measures that would allow police to seize firearms in cases of suspected domestic abuse, require trigger locks for safe gun storage and prohibit firearms in bars. It rejected a fourth provision to create a permit system for carrying concealed weapons.
Ward 7 Democrat Tom Ayres, a member of the Charter Change Committee, explains that when the issue of high-capacity magazine and assault rifle bans flared last winter, the City Council asked the committee to recommend gun-related charter changes for the city.

A forum before the council voted was packed with supporters and opponents of the proposed charter changes.

Gun Owners of Vermont Board Member Bill Moore spoke on behalf of the Vermont Traditions Coalition during the meeting. He says as much as he applauds the failure of the concealed weapons measure, the remaining resolutions are poorly written and deeply disturbing.

Gunsense VT Burlington member Carolyn Bates stayed late into the evening until the meeting ended. She calls the resolutions that the council passed a step forward because the state has failed to act.

Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger issued a statement noting his support of the resolutions passed by the council. The resolutions, when formally approved by the mayor, will return to the charter change committee. The committee will work with the city attorney to vet legal issues and fine tune the language to craft individual ballot initiatives. If passed on Town Meeting Day, the measures must be approved by the state legislature.

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