In Connecticut’s race for governor, Shelton Mayor Mark Lauretti says he and Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton are teaming up for the Republican primary.
Lauretti told The Associated Press that he has filed the necessary paperwork with the Secretary of the State's Office to switch from a petitioning candidate for governor to a petitioning candidate for lieutenant governor.
Lauretti said he and gubernatorial candidate Boughton have agreed to combine their fundraising to qualify for public financing. They need to raise $250,000.
Boughton's original running mate, Groton Town Councilor Heather Somers, recently announced she was running solo for lieutenant governor in the Aug. 12 primary and would not pool her campaign funds with Boughton.
Boughton's campaign spokesman said the mayor was disappointed by Somers' decision but said the campaign had "an alternative strategy."
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