Trustees of the University of Connecticut have renewed President Susan Herbst's contract to June 2019, increasing her annual pay to $585,000 from $525,000. Annual raises and performance awards could bring her pay to more than $900,000 in four years.The agreement approved by the board on Monday raises Herbst's pay by 5 percent a year, bringing it to about $711,000 annually by 2019. She also will receive $195,000 in bonuses unless the board determines she has failed to meet goals and objectives. Her total pay would be more than $906,071 by 2019.
The UConn Foundation is increasing private money, to $300,000, to help fund Herbst's pay, up from $145,000.
The university said Herbst's pay is in line with many other large public universities and below what the presidents of many private institutions earn.
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