A mayoral candidate in Pittsfield is calling on his opponents to refrain from engaging in many facets of a modern day political race.A constant critic of the current administration, Craig Gaetani is calling on Mayor Dan Bianchi and City Clerk Linda Tyer to refrain from personal spending, putting up lawn signs and accepting donations from the city’s political class.
“My impression is to try to make the election as far as possible is to take the money out of the election and the good ‘ol boy network and then let the cards fall where they may,” said Gaetani.
Gaetani is also requesting weekly media debates among the candidates. Bianchi is running for his third term. Political newcomer Eric Bassett has also taken out nominating papers.
In response, Bianchi says he is happy to discuss issues and campaign guidelines with any certified candidate.
Tyer says she welcomes any type of forum to debate and discuss issues.
“I appreciate the desire to limit fundraising and the use of personal funds,” Tyer says. “However, it is very important that I communicate my progressive message to voters. I will be using many of the traditional campaigning methods to encourage voters to participate in this year's election including the placement of lawn signs when the time is right. Many of my supporters have already invested in our campaign. I have a great deal of respect for their financial commitment. Therefore I will not accept restrictions on fundraising, making campaign expenditures, or using personal funds.”