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Police Shooting Justified, But Video Cameras Turned Off

The Chittenden County prosecutor says police involved in the non-fatal shooting of a distraught man had turned off their body cameras before the shooting.
Prosecutor T.J. Donovan said Monday officers turned off the cameras during the early morning incident Sept. 20 because blinking red lights and an audible beep could have given away their positions.

Donovan made the comments Monday while announcing that the two Burlington officers were justified in the shooting of 20-year-old James Hemingway, whom they believed was armed and refused to surrender during a standoff at his Colchester home.

Hemingway's attorney Benjamin Luna says his client's version is different and the lack of video means the case is just based on the recollections of the officers involved.

Luna says Hemingway is considering a lawsuit.

Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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