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Vermont Official Says 911 Claims 'Outrageous And Underhanded'

This is an example of an emergency dispatcher at work

A top official in the Shumlin administration says claims that the Department of Public Safety will  stop taking calls at the two largest 911 answering locations next year "are completely outrageous and under-handed."
Administration Secretary Justin Johnson made the comments Monday after the Enhanced 911 Board issued a release saying the Department of Public Safety was planning to stop taking 911 calls at answering points in Williston and Rockingham, which handle more than 70 percent of the state's calls.

E-911 Board Executive Director Barb Neal says her organization is working to determine who would answer the 911 calls and that everyone who calls for help in Vermont will get it.

The administration says the E911 Board wants to cut funding for call-taking services by $90,000.

Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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