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Connecticut Primary Marked By Lack Of Statewide Races

Matthew Trump


This year marks the first time in recent memory there will be no statewide primary in Connecticut.

With only a dozen legislative intra-party contests and four registrar of voters and judge of probate races scattered across Connecticut, turnout for Tuesday's primary is expected to be very light.

The most recent string of election seasons have been marked by active primary battles for U.S. Senate to governor. In 2014, there was a two-way Republican primary for governor and a three-way GOP primary for lieutenant governor. In 2012, there were both Democratic and Republican primaries for U.S. Senate.

Republican Senate candidate August Wolf failed this year to collect enough signatures to petition his way onto the primary ballot.

Of the dozen legislative primaries, 10 involve incumbents being challenged. Bridgeport has four primaries.

Polls close at 8 p.m.

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