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Malloy Plan Would Eliminate Aid To 85 CT School Districts

Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy's new spending plan would eliminate state education aid to 85 school districts and cut school aid to another 54 cities and towns, if the state budget impasse isn't resolved by next month.

The Democrat announced a new executive order Friday that would provide $1.46 billion to school districts with the highest student needs and greatest reliance on state aid. Thirty districts designated as the state's neediest would see no aid cuts.

State lawmakers have been unable to agree on a budget for the fiscal year that began July 1 and the following year. The state faces an estimated $3.5 billion deficit over two years.

The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities says Malloy's cuts would severely affect towns, and it is criticizing officials for not passing a budget.

Copyright The Associated Press 2017. All rights reserved.

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