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Author Discusses Report Card On Financial Literacy Education

Photo by Stephen Mease

The Champlain College Center for Financial Literacy has issued its third “Report Card on State Efforts to Improve Financial Literacy Education.”  Director and report author John Pelletier says that when the center was created, they wanted to understand what other states were doing to teach financial literacy.
“It started out as a question of what do other states do?  Are there some success stories we could look at and perhaps imitate? The data that was out there was very thin and before I knew it we had enough information and data that I thought boy I think other people would want to have the information I’d gathered that would help them particularly if they’re K-12 policy makers. And so the goal of this particular document is literally it’s an advocacy piece.  It’s to give information and say there are a lot of really good state models on how to bring personal finance into our classrooms, particularly our high schools, and here’s how it can be done.”     

Link to the report: www.champlain.edu/centers-of-excellence/center-for-financial-literacy/report-national-high-school-financial-literacy

Extended conversation with Champlain College Center for Financial Literacy Director John Pelletier