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Great Barrington Select Board Announces Internet Plan

A brick building sits behind a green lawn.

Broadband internet access will be coming to Great Barrington, Massachusetts sooner than expected.

At its meeting Monday, the Great Barrington Select Board announced that a solution to the town’s lack of high-speed fiber optic internet service has been found at no cost to taxpayers.

“A private company, Fiber Connect, is going to reach out to building owners in the downtown for permission to run the fiber cable across either rooftops or basements, from one building to the next, and then they will offer it directly to the tenants," said select board member Ed Abrahams.

The deal will allow Fiber Connect to compete with Spectrum, which currently provides internet services to Great Barrington. The company approached the town offering to use its own money to install the fiber. The non-exclusive deal will still allow other companies to offer services to the town’s residents.

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