Champlain College recently announced a new initiative to increase online enrollments. The college in Burlington, Vermont will halve tuition for its online learners. President Donald Laackman says the initiative was created after the college assessed several online learning concerns expressed by potential students.
“We did a survey back in November of adults around the country who were interested in advancing their education, getting a credential or a degree, to try to find out what the barriers were and one of the biggest barriers is cost. Seventy percent of the students or perspective students who we interviewed said that cost a barrier to them obtaining a degree or credential. So that was a huge impetus for us to say we need to serve that market and make sure that we’re offering an affordable education for them. Second it brings us more in line with a competitive online marketplace. And third we have been offering a very cost competitive offering since 2013 and decided that we could expand this to all of our adult online students who are seeking undergraduate degrees and credentials.”
The new online tuition rate at Champlain College will be $318 per credit, effective beginning in the Fall 2018 semester.
Champlain College President Discusses New Initiative To Increase Online Enrollment

Champlain College