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New Hampshire Governor Vetoes Legislation to Withdraw From RGGI

By Pat Bradley


Concord, NH – The Democratic Governor said in his veto message that ending the program would cost jobs, hinder the state's economic recovery and damage New Hampshire's long-term competitiveness. Conservation New Hampshire Executive Director Jim O'Brien......

New Hampshire's Republican-controlled Legislature had proposed repealing the state's participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. But Governor Lynch has been opposed to pulling out of the ten state pact and the senate lacked the votes to overturn a veto. So that chamber instead tried to modify the program, but the House wouldn't compromise. The House then amended another bill to add the RGGI repeal without the modifications to the program. Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire Vice President Michael Licata says they were neutral regarding the repeal of RGGI, but wanted revisions to the program passed......

University of New Hampshire Research Professor Cameron Wake testified before the Energy committee that drafted the bill to repeal RGGI......

In NY, the Adirondack Council actively participates in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative auctions to permanently curb emissions from power plants. Spokesman John Sheehan is pleased that Governor Lynch vetoed New Hampshire's proposed withdrawal from the program.......

RGGI, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, is a ten state program to reduce carbon emissions. Emission allowances are sold at auction and the proceeds are used for efficiency programs.