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Poll Finds NYers Back New Gun Laws

A new poll finds voters overwhelming support for many of the items that Governor Andrew Cuomo is pushing, including parts of the newly enacted gun control law.  

Steve Greenberg, with Siena College, says the poll asked voters whether they wanted New York to have the strongest anti gun laws in the nation, including banning assault weapons and outlawing magazine clips that hold more than seven bullets.   Greenberg says the measures have broad support, at 73% to 26%.

“It has support downstate and upstate,” Greenberg said. “Even 58% of Republican voters support the toughest assault weapons ban in the action”

91% of those polled support the new provisions to stiffen penalties on illegal gun use, the poll found.

Siena also asked New Yorkers about a plan proposed by the NRA- to put armed guards in schools. Voters were  split, with 46% saying it’s a good idea and 52% saying no.    

New Yorkers also gave a thumbs up to other items on the governor’s agenda, including the raising the minimum wage, at 83% to 15%, and public financing of political campaigns at 59% to 36%.

Karen DeWitt is Capitol Bureau chief for New York State Public Radio, a network of public radio stations in New York state. She has covered state government and politics for the network since 1990.
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