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NY Health Officials: Beware Mosquitoes And Disease

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Health officials are urging New York residents to take precautions after mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus were found in the state.

Two human cases of West Nile virus have been identified in Staten Island and one case has been identified in a horse in Oneida County. Most people infected with the mosquito-borne virus either show no symptoms or suffer a flu-like illness. A small number develop a serious illness that can lead to neurological damage.

Eastern Equine Encephalitis cases have been identified in 15 pools of mosquitoes in Oswego and Chautauqua counties. There have been no human cases in New York.

Protective measures against mosquitoes include eliminating standing water, using repellent, wearing long-sleeve shirts and long pants, and repairing doors and screens for tight fits.

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